Until just a few decades ago, arranged marriages were common and many married among their relatives. In eastern Bhutan, cross-cousin marriages were also once common. However, this practice is now becoming less common amongst the literate masses and most marriages are based on the choice of the individuals.
Marriages are simple affairs and are usually kept low-key. However, elaborate rituals are performed for lasting unions between the bride and the bridegroom. As the religious ceremony comes to an end, parents, relatives, and friends of the couple present the newlyweds with traditional offerings of scarves along with gifts in the form of cash and goods.
In Western Bhutan, it was commonfor husbands to live in his wife’s house after marriage – this still happens in rural areas. While in Southern and Eastern Bhutan, the wife generally moves into her husband’s home. Of course, the newlyweds may also choose to live on their own. Divorce is also an accepted norm and carries no ignominy or disgrace within the country.