The birth of a child is always welcomed. In Bhutan extended family and guests are discouraged from visiting during the first three days after the birth.
On the third day, a short purification ritual is performed after which visitors are welcomed to visit the new born and mother. Bhutanese value children as progenitors of the future and therefore do not discriminate on the sex of the child. Traditionally various gifts are offered ranging from dairy products to cloth and money.
The child is not immediately named; this responsibility is usually entrusted to the head lama (Buddhist priest) of the local temple. The mother and child will also receive blessings from the local deity (natal deity) and following tradition; the name associated with the deity is given to the child. In some cases, the child is given the name of the day on which the child is born. Based on the Bhutanese calendar, a birth horoscope is written which will detail the various rituals to be performed at different times in the life of the child and to an extent predict his or her future.