Domkhar Tshechu ( DAYS)

Domkhar festival is hosted in Chumey Valley of Bumthang district. Domkhar was established by Lama Kuenkhen Longchen Rabjampa of the Nyingmapa sect in the 16th century. Longchen Rabjampa (1308-63), pre-eminent scholar of Dranang, Tibet was exiled in Bhutan towards the end of his life. He founded eight monasteries throughout the country. The festival is observed every year on 10th -12th day of 3rd month of Bhutanese calendar at Domkhar village Temple. The three days’ festival also coincides with the death anniversary of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel. Sacred dances such as Black Hat Dance, the three Ging and the drummers of Drametse are performed.

A small Thngdrol representing the future Buddha Maitreya (jampa) is unfurled for the public to receive blessing and it is the highlights if the festivals.