Travel Information

Tourist Tariff

The minimum tariff for tourists visiting Bhutan is fixed by the Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB), Royal Government of Bhutan.


Peak Season

  • Months: March, April, May, September, October, and November.
  • Fee: US$250 per night halt

Off Season

  • Months: January, February, June, July, August, and December.
  • Fee: US$200 per night halt

The minimum daily package rates shall be inclusive of the following:

  1. All internal taxes and charges
  2. A sustainable tourism Royalty of US$65. This Royalty goes towards free education, free healthcare, poverty alleviation, along with the building of infrastructure.
  3. A minimum of 3 star accommodation (4 & 5 star may require an additional premium).
  4. All meals
  5. A licensed Bhutanese tour guide for the extent of your stay
  6. All internal transport (excluding internal flights)
  7. Camping equipment and haulage for trekking tours

Not included in the package are the following:

  1. Cost of air ticket 
  2. Alcohol; international truck calls
  3. Medical expenses 
  4. Personal shopping 
  5. Visa Fee of US$40.00 per entry payable at the Airport upon Landing


Tourists traveling in a group of two (2) persons or less shall be subject to a surcharge, in addition to the minimum daily package rates as follows:

  • Single individual - US$40 per night
  • Group of 2 persons only - US$30 per person per night

The 10% agency commission payable to agents abroad shall not be deductible from the surcharge.

The surcharge will not be applicable to representatives of foreign travel agents on business study or promotional visit duly approved and cleared by TCB.

The rates given above are applicable per tourist per night halt in Bhutan. On the day of departure, our obligation shall be limited to breakfast only and any extra requirements shall be payable on actual basis.

The rates shall apply uniformly irrespective of locations and the type of accommodation provided/asked for.


There shall be no charge for CHILDREN up to the age of 5 years. However, those between the ages of 6-12 years accompanied by elders/ guardians shall be given 50% discount on daily rates and 100% discount on Royalty. This Royalty is currently set at US$65 per day.

Full time STUDENTS below the age of 25 years, holding valid identity cards from their academic institutions, shall also be given a 25% discount on the Royalty.

A discount of 50% on minimum daily package shall be given to one person in a group of 11 people. 100% discount shall be given to one member in a group exceeding 16 persons.

A 50%discount on Royalty shall be provided after the 8th night and 100% discount on Royalty shall be provided after the 14th night.

Visitors availing discounts under Sections A & B shall not be eligible for discount under D.

Flight Schedule

The following are the only two airlines flying in and out of Bhutan:


Tour Programmes booked and subsequently cancelled shall be subject to cancellation charges as follows:

  • within 30 days of start of programme ~ no charges
  • within 21 days ~ 10% of rate
  • within 14 days ~ 15% of rate
  • within 7 days ~ 30% of rate
  • less than 7 days or without notice ~ 50% of rate
  • after arrival in Bhutan ~ 100%

Delay Arrivals

There is no charge for delays in arrival and departure because of weather conditions disrupting flights or roadblocks. The tourist must however bear the cost of food, accommodation, transportation, and other services required. It is highly recommended that you purchase travel insurance prior to travel.

Filming In Bhutan

The rules and rates for filming in Bhutan differ from that of normal rates applicable to tours & treks. Filming in Bhutan is governed by the Bhutan Filming Regulations, 1995, a copy of which is available with the implementing agency i.e. the Department of Tourism, Royal Government of Bhutan (the Regulation does not apply to feature and cinematographic films). Applications for a filming permit must be submitted to the Department of Tourism, Royal Government of Bhutan at least 30 days in advance. The application must be accompanied by:

  • Synopsis of the film – theme/background/objective/purpose 
  • Specific location/objects/activities 
  • Composition of the filming team and the list of equipment including accessories and consumables (Filming crew members have to pay full daily tourist tariff) 
  • Letter of recommendation from sponsoring agency (application form available with TAB at the cost of Nu.300.00

Royalty on Filming

  • First 30 minutes or part thereof – US$10,000 
  • Next 30 minutes or part thereof – US$6,000 
  • Every additional 30 minutes or part thereof – US$3,000